[geeks] Indy kernel crash

Francisco Javier Mesa-Martinez lefa at ucsc.edu
Sat Dec 20 03:25:02 CST 2003

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, rob wrote:

You can not upgrade an f stream with an m stream.... unless you switch
streams somehow. I believe same revision points use different kernels
depending on which stream.

> Hi,
> I've been running an Indy with 6.5.18f for a while, and decided to up to
> 6.5.22m
> I updated the system with the following patches first (including patch
> 5086 for inst and 6.5.21+) :
> patchSG0004814.tardist
> patchSG0004862.tardist
> patchSG0004881.tardist
> patchSG0004932.tardist
> patchSG0004998.tardist
> patchSG0004999.tardist
> patchSG0005039.tardist
> patchSG0005060.tardist
> patchSG0005063.tardist
> patchSG0005071.tardist
> patchSG0005086.tardist
> patchSG0005098.tardist
> patchSG0005182.tardist
> patchSG0005192.tardist
> patchSG0005241.tardist
> patchSG0005267.tardist
> patchSG0005313.tardist
> patchSG0005316.tardist
> AFAIR these are various 6.5.18 patches, including NFS etc.
> Anyway, Indy installs the required and I get ready to reboot. Kernel
> panic during shutdown. Reboot, and no joy, kernel panics evertime.
> So I try loading up all of 6.5base and 6.5.18f disks over the network.
> OK. keep * ; install standard and list. Nothing scheduled to install -
> OK thinks I, as the installed system is pretty much all this anyway. So
> I force eoe to install, thinking that's the kernel, but no. It makes no
> diff.
> Has anyone got any insight here ? Anyone know how to force the
> installation of a new default kernel ?
> Cheers,
> Rob
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