[geeks] PayPal sucks...sometimes

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Dec 23 17:45:54 CST 2003

On Dec 23, 2003, at 4:49 PM, Ido Dubrawsky wrote:

> I've learned my lesson:
> never, ever do anything with eBay/PayPal without a credit card to back 
> it up.
> At least if I had used a credit card I could claim the charge was 
> fraudulent/
> invalid and get some shelter from eBay/PayPal's crappy system.  What a
> system.

I had a similar experience. I bought a DVR-104 DVD-RW drive from a guy, 
and so did a friend of mine, turns out the guy was a total fraud, and 
because he was claiming shipping delays, etc, in the beginning it went 
past the 30 day limit of PayPal's protections. Fortunately we were able 
to get back the purchase price less $25.00 (we didn't get the shipping 
charges back either), so we didn't get totally screwed, just slightly. 
The seller is localed in Fort Lauderdale, which happens to be where my 
folks live, so when I was down visiting I decided to pass by and see if 
I could catch the guy in. The shipping address was an apartment # but 
when I went by it was a private house, and there were like 4 cars in 
the front yard so I decided not to stop in. Oh well, live and learn. We 
were both able to buy DVR-105's from a different seller for about the 
same money as we would have paid for the 104's so I guess some good 
came out of it!

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