[geeks] Kronos timeclocks

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Sat Dec 20 03:25:51 CST 2003

sunhelp-geeks at ian.viemeister.com wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Dan Sikorski wrote:
>>When they were setup about a year ago, i was never satisfied with them
>>because of the lack of default gateway setting, and not knowing why the
>>hell they actually worked.  I attributed it to Cisco-voodoo, and moved
>Sounds like the cisco might be doing proxy-arp.  If my (fuzzy) memory is
>correct, at least some IOS versions have that turned on by default.
Why yes, it would seem that the routers in question are running 
proxy-arp, that puts my mind more at ease knowing WHY the clocks 
connected via the cisco's work.

>The procurve should be able to do proxy-arp too, but I think it'll only
>work if the procurve is directly on both subnets (ie, it wouldn't work if
>you had to hop through the procurve *and* the cisco, but from one
>directly-connected subnet to another on the same device should work).
Yes, it does, supposedly, and it is directly on both subnets, however, i 
just turned it on and things don't seem to be working yet.  I think i 
might upgrade the firmware in the switch when i get a chance, and see if 
that fixes it.  (had to update the firmware on it about a year ago to 
get the routing to work in the first place.)

>(Cisco has a decent "What *is* proxy arp, anyway?" at:
> http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/5.html if you haven't encounted
> this particular perversity before.)

Great!   You're not my hero today, but you might be my hero tomorrow if 
i get it all running right. :)

    -Dan Sikorski

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