[geeks] I am week

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Tue Apr 29 11:49:59 CDT 2003

On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 08:52:45AM +0200, FRANK VAN DAMME wrote:

> p2 as in pentium II at 300 MHz? Try running wine plus your ExpressPCB
> and KEGA first (no idea what these applications are).

Previous experience with WINE failed to run these programs.  Currently,
the linux machine doesn't have enough disk space to install WINE again.
I need to get another desktop working half decently before I can
undertake trying to upgrade the linux machine to all SCSI (thus using my
mass of SCSI drives.  Attempts to run both SCSI and IDE haven't worked
well (numerous SCSI controllers and drives ranged from preventing the
machine from booting to acting like it worked until used heavily, like
say for formatting).  It's possible the machine is altogether allergic
to SCSI, but I want to try all SCSI before I completely give up.
> As for the Sega thing, there are about 98 or so emulators for linux et
> al, I'd be surprised if there weren't a sega emulator among them.

Yes, there are numerous Sega Genesis emulators for Linux.  Some of them
basically work decently, for regular ROM files.  However, very few of
the emulators on linux support SegaCD at all, and the ones that do
require that you use something like a package of ISO files and MP3s,
rather than working directly off of the CD-Rom.

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