[geeks] i think i'm feeling sick....

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Sat Nov 23 16:31:41 CST 2002

jp at celestrion.net writes:

>What's the going rate for a truck-sized EMP device?  Oh, sorry.  I 
>prefer not to think of it as a destructive EMP device.  I prefer to 
>think of it as a "marketing counter-message".

Last I heard, not that I've been following it too closely,
an effective non-nuclear EMP device had still not been

Defense contractors trying to get money to defend against
them have been hyping the threat for years, but the reality
has been lagging behind...

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----------- When Heaven is full, the dead shall walk the earth. -----------

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