[geeks] OK some upgrade questions / refs.

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Wed May 29 14:01:51 CDT 2002

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Andrew Weiss wrote:

> And of course next on the "entire-new" machine list would be something 
> like an Ultra 450... something with that really neat styling.

Just picked another one up for my lab.  I love the E450.

> CPU's... it has a single 300... should I go dual 300, single 400, or 
> dual 400? (other options... bang/buck)

2x300 is cheap, and I find it plenty fast.

> graphics... Creator... don't know which... should I assume if it's 
> Creator then I'd want either Creator 3D Series 3 or Elite 3D m3 or 6... 
> thoughts on the differences?

Creatir 3D is cost-effective.  Horizontal m-series are still rather high
in price.

> RAM... has 256... mmmm 2 GB.... heh

Hopefully the 256M is in 64M modules, not 32meggers.  You have to add
modules in banks of 4, and the 64's are at a good price point, which will
get you up tp 1G.  You need 128's to get 2G, those are still expensive.


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