[geeks] A Real OS? (was: Re: my capitalization.. etc.)

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Sun May 19 00:23:23 CDT 2002

> > But what makes you think Linus became a prick?
> Reading his words, see ing his actions.  I met him online shortly after 
> he released his first kernel. (I was a sysop on the UNIX roundtable on 
> GEnie.)  Very nice guy.  Now he believes all the hype, and that he is 
> somehow become all-knowing about the computer industry.  Too bad, he was 
> a nice guy.

I guess being worshipped by a bunch of people will do that
to you.

> > I think you'll find IBM, Sun, HPaq, etc. disagree.
> You may not realize this, but big companies are very prone to "jumping 
> on the hype bandwagon" If they think it can generate sales.  Linux 
> (which is mostly gnu stuff anyway!) is the flavor of the month, so 
> everybody wants a piece of it.  The average schmoe on the street has 
> heard of it, so they do what they need to gain market share.

I know big companies are prone to jumping on the hype wagon,
but when they back it up with a substantial amount of money
and development, then the hype can help.

> Hell, Solaris x86 is technically *way* superior to Linux, as are the 
> *BSD's.

I really would like to see Solaris x86 become *THE* Unix for
the x86 family, but I don't guess that's going to happen.

What Linux does have going for it is you're likely to find your
hardware supported, and some features from commercial Unix systems
are finding their way in.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/

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