[geeks] Desktops

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Thu May 9 19:16:19 CDT 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 06:51:58PM -0500, Mike Hebel wrote:
> > your machine.  My Creative Labs Modem Blaster PCI is supposed to be
> > supported under 2.4 kernels with HCF drivers but it doesn't work.  (I
> > have the joy of retro-connecting with my old external 33.6 modem.)
> Long before I made the switch, I had a 486 running my modem for me.  I just
> made things nicer.

My first "online" was a stolen, yes - I  stole it out of the RMA dead
pile, buggy 386DX-33 machine with a 96/24 fax modem.  Needless to say it
was heaven at the time. ;-)

> > Then there's the ever present issue of connecting to other things in
> > your house - for instance I still can't get CUPS to print to the Windows
> > Postcript laser on my wife's machine and my scanner currently doesn't
> > work yet.  Again, hardware issues - they come up with any operating
> > system.
> Can't say anything about the scanner, but buy and IPX ($10 or so), install
> NetBSD, and make it a print server for both machines.

Since it's a serial printer I might have to think on that.  ttyb on the
NetBSD box may just do the trick but I'll have to play with it.  I have
a spare IPC somewhere and I dos have Solaris drivers for the printer.

Mike Hebel

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