[geeks] some people need a clue.

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Thu May 2 15:38:11 CDT 2002

I'm afraid that I was too blunt and got censored. :-(

However it's nice to see that only a small amount of people raised
their heads for the Gene Pool Chlorination Unit...um...that
is...showed themselves as complete idiots!  Yeah, that's it....!

>> Did you notice that 90% of the signatures are 'fake' ie, people really 
>> didn't sign it?  hehe  Not that I would do anything like that...

JCP> I do like the current last two signatures:
JCP>    "A subscription has been entered in your name to the Clue of the Month
JCP>     Club."       --Agnes

JCP>    "Oh thank you so much for this. Those shameless moneymongers care for
JCP>     nothing but themselves. Baby Jesus cries every day because of them.
JCP>     Every single day. Could you please start a petition to stop those
JCP>     fascist police from using 911 as their phone number too? That is also
JCP>     something that bothers me." --Sigmund Wonder

JCP> Okay, raise your hand if you're responsible for this. :)

JCP> Then, on the other side of the coin:
JCP>    "Whoever this Tolkein guy is, he's an insensitive ashole if he's making
JCP>     a movie with a title like that. I'll bet he's not even American!! What
JCP>     gives him the right!!!!"  --Sean Curtin

JCP> *sigh*

JCP> --Jonathan
JCP> _______________________________________________
JCP> GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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