[geeks] OH YEAH

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Thu Mar 14 10:44:26 CST 2002

On Thursday, March 14, 2002, at 07:18 , Bill Bradford wrote:

> http://www.sun.com
> Dual 1.05Ghz, new graphics card, 24" flatpanel.  *wank

Nifty, huh?  I have to wait 6 months for my employee discount.  Even 
then, I doubt I'll get one. Sigh. :-)

> Pete, you knew about this, dintcha. 8-)

Actually, I haven't been watching the workstation stuff for a while.  
This one was a bit of a surprise.  Now I need to figure a way to get one 
into my budget... :-)

Damn, that is a fast box...  'Bout time Sun reminded folks that we make 
kick-ass workstations...  SGI?? Who??

<hurries off to check stock prices>


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