[geeks] baby stuff

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Fri Jun 28 16:19:05 CDT 2002

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Beth Roberts wrote:
> Oh, *geez*. And for some reason I get the impression that she probably
> thinks she's being *extra super-nice* to you by trying to share the whole
> pregnancy experience with you.

I wish she was naive enough to think that she was being nice. She knows
what she's doing. Then, I'm halfway convinced this is all revenge for when I
flushed her Snoopy down the toilet when I was 6. She's like that.

> Genetic legacies are overrated, methinks. (Easy for me to say, I'm already
> covered, of course...)

It was just never a concern of mine. I saw no difference between a cat or
a dog or a kid. By and large, people on these lists are good parents, so
what I'm about to say has no bearing on them. I think a lot of couples
rush into having kids because it's what they think they're supposed to
do, without realizing that once you have a child it becomes about them and
no longer about you. They have kids just to have *something to show off*
when they're better off starting and ending with a puppy (like my sister).

I've seen too many undisciplined brats running amuck lately. (or maybe
it's just Austin, the water is pretty funky here as you know)


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