[geeks] Rack Mount = 50db +

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Thu Jul 25 13:48:40 CDT 2002

Leo Green wrote:
> If you're losing all hearing at once, you dont have Sensorineural hearing
> loss, you probably have conductive hearing loss.
> This is what they test for when they make you wear those headphones that
> beep at you.
Yes, I must have conductive hearing loss. When I was tested, the tester
said that I can hear better with the little bones behind the ear than
actually thru the ear. My loss is more in the mid ranges last time I had
it checked, but that was a couple of years ago, and I KNOW I've lost
more since then, constantly saying to others "Huh, what'd you say?" Oh
well, Can hear, getting harder & harder to see, can barely smell
anything, another few years and I'll be in a world of my own :)

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