[geeks] QUIET Network Switch

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Tue Jul 23 00:47:19 CDT 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 10:03:54PM -0700, Gary Nichols wrote:
>>I need to purchase a 12 or 24-port switch 10 or 100MB rack-mountable 
>>switch that is quiet.  Any suggestions?  Cisco 29xx's are too loud, 
>>Compaq Netelligents sound like a jet plane... anybody?
> NetGear.

Only if he remembers to _hard-set_ his network speed and duplex on his 
equipment.  The auto-sense on these sucks bigtime IMHO.

3Com Superstacks as long as he has a temporate environment for them to 
live in.  That and any bad fans on those can easily come from RatShack 
for replacement.

Just my $.02.

Mike Hebel

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