[geeks] looking for video equipment

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Jul 21 02:34:28 CDT 2002

  First off, I apologize in advance if any of you receive multiple
copies of this message, as I'm sending it shotgun-style to multiple

  Sridhar and I were riding down the street just a few minutes ago, and
stopped for the opening of the drawbridge on the Treasure Island
Causeway.  We were stopped behind a pickup truck containing two
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and rather scantily clad women in their early
twenties.  They were playing some Elton John songs at high volume, and
they hopped out and started dancing in the middle of the street in
front of us, quite well actually, laughing the whole time.  They did
this through three or four songs before the bridge was lowered, they
cheerfully waved goodbye, and we all went about our business.

  It was at this point that I decided to keep some sort of video
recording device with me at all times.  To that end, I need to pick up
some sort of compact video gear with a FireWire interface, as I have a
G4 Mac with FireWire running MacOS X.  I have very little money right
now, but I'm sure I can come up with good stuff to trade if anyone has
such a device that is underutilized.  Please contact me if you might
be able to help me out.  This isn't a life-or-death thing, but I
assure you it's damn close...If I find this video gear, I'll be able
to record it next time and you'll understand why.

  Living by the beach is a truly wonderful thing.  I'm going to go
have a heart attack now.


Dave McGuire                  "Needing a calculator indicates that
St. Petersburg, FL              your .emacs file is incomplete." -Joshua Boyd

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