[geeks] Am I getting too old or something.....

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Jul 16 19:04:51 CDT 2002

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 07:49:42PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > Then I feel sorry for you.  I just love watching the squirels,
> > groundhogs, rabits, and occasional kittens (technically not a rodent,
> > but numerous locals feel that they are closely related) outside.
> Don't feel sorry for me.  I enjoy watching the squirrels frolic and play, but
> unchecked populations here in Warwick RI have caused all manner of
> problems.  I don't consider them 'cute', but I do take amusement
> from their activities - just as I'm entertained by NASCAR races, but
> I don't consider any of it cute.  There's a difference between
> finding an animal 'cute' and gaining amusement from it's activities
> or realizing that it provides a benefit or detriment to the
> ecosystem.

I never said that cute things couldn't be bad for the eco system.  But
as long as their antics are entertaining...

> > When driving about I see deer and foxes, but I've yet to actually seen
> > them from my house or at work.
> > 
> Deer are majestic creatures, and tasty.  However, they also need to
> be kept in check when there are no natural predators - just ask
> anyone on Prudence Island...

Never had the chance to try deer in any form other than boloney.  I
wasn't thrilled, but then I'm not thrilled by beef boloney either.

Joshua D. Boyd

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