[geeks] NWN server

Will Mc Donald wmcdonald at ntlworld.com
Mon Jul 8 10:03:23 CDT 2002

If I ever manage to get the bugger running reliably I may join you there. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Leikis" <cleikis at superpages.com>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: [geeks] NWN server

> For anyone that's interested, my NWN server is up now. I'm running the
> "Contest of Champions" module while I write my own. I picked up the
> "Offical Worldbuilder Guide" this weekend that covers all of the designing
> and the scripting language in great detail.
> So far, it hasn't shown up in the Gamespy server list, so the address is
> nwn.eyejabber.com:5121. No password required.

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