[geeks] 4th of july plans

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Thu Jul 4 00:24:53 CDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 18:46, Tim H. wrote:
> I know I'm horribly out of date, but FPS has not been improved since
> DoomII.  I still come back to Doom when I want to play a non-arcade
> game, and I don't generally like Arcade shooters either.

I have to completely disagree with you there.  Even if you put graphics
aside, half-life has better gameplay by leaps and bounds when compared
to doom (i consider doom and doomII the same game for all practical
purposes). Return to castle wolfenstein is, in my opinion even better
than that. (and that's only mentioning two new games, others (medal of
honor, quake3, unreal tournament) have their own strengths (and

	-Dan Sikorski

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