[geeks] Wooohoo! G4 MP!

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Thu Feb 7 11:57:43 CST 2002

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Simeon Johnston wrote:

> A: You suck Mister MP guy...

The fun response would be, "...and you swallow." :-)

> B: What w/ all this cool stuff why did you trade me for a 840AV?

Mostly because I am a deranged lunatic who likes to collect systems that
he could never afford when he was broke.  I wanted an 840AV when it came
out, but I was newly married and could never dream of raising the cash...

> sim
> And did you like that packing job or what. :-)

Yes, it was solid.  BTW, I replaced the motherboard (screw posts for the
video and scsi were gone) for $12, and now it just rocks right along...


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