[geeks] LCDs

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Dec 17 08:49:52 CST 2002

Trust me they won't.  Third-party Apple Authorized Resellers and Service
providers have no financial incentive to do so.  The margin on the machines
is so low that they don't care if they lose the odd customer since Apple
will decline such a repair for warranty reimbursement.  You can always try,
but I believe the repair will end your AppleCare coverage.  The LCD exchange
prices on that model are much lower than they used to be on Powerbooks...
that's all I can say.

>From the Knowledge Base:

"Many Apple products use active-matrix LCD panels, including the iMac (Flat
Panel), iBook, some PowerBook computers, and Apple Cinema displays. In
addition to being slim and light, active-matrix LCD technology provides
customers with many visual performance advantages when compared to
traditional cathode-ray tube- (CRT) based displays, such as increased
brightness, sharpness, and contrast ratio.

Active-matrix LCD technology uses rows and columns of addressable locations
(pixels) that render text and images on screen. Each pixel location has
three separate subpixels (red, green and blue) that allow the image to be
rendered in full color. Each subpixel has a corresponding transistor
responsible for turning the subpixel on or off.

There are typically millions of these subpixels on a LCD display. For
example, the LCD panel used in the Apple Cinema HD display is made up of 2.3
million pixels and 6.9 million red, green, and blue subpixels. Occasionally,
a transistor does not work perfectly, which may result in the affected
subpixel being turned on (bright) or turned off (dark). With the millions of
subpixels on a display, it is quite possible to have a low number of faulty
transistors on an LCD. Therefore, a certain number of subpixel anomalies is
considered acceptable. Rejecting all but perfect LCD panels would
significantly increase the retail price for products using LCD displays.
These factors apply to all manufacturers using LCD technology--not just
Apple products.

If you suspect your display contains a high number of pixel anomalies, take
your Apple product to an Apple Authorized Service Provider for closer
examination. There may be a charge for the evaluation"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua D Boyd" <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [geeks] LCDs

> On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 08:07:24AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > > On my
> > > machine there appears to be one pixel that's always blue, is that
> > > something fixable, or should I return my machine for a replacement?
> >
> > No - they allow a certain number (up to six?) bad pixels; over that,
> > replace it.
> Take it back and complain.  They might replace it anyway.  Especially if
> the bad pixel is prominantly placed instead of at the edge.
> --
> Joshua D. Boyd
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