[geeks] Paperless office...

Ethan telmnstr at 757.org
Thu Aug 8 12:37:15 CDT 2002

> What's wrong with SANE?  I've never used it.  It doesn't OCR.  There are
> programs for linux that do OCR, but I've never used them either.

SANE seems okay, but ideal is PDF output with OCR capabilities. I don't
know if the freeware on Linux will be able to do that.

I'm not to that point yet :-) I don't hate Windows so much that I will
avoid using it at all costs, I just don't use it much -- only for specific
applications. If the Adobe software is mega cheap 2nd hand and can run on
NT 4.0 or something, I own Hummingbird (thank you eBay) for NFS mounting
under NT... to get the data over onto the unix boxes.

					-- Ethan

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