[geeks] W3LAP Says: The President of the United States needs you!

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Sep 30 15:27:57 CDT 2001

w3lap at america.net writes:

>W3LAP Says: The President of the United States needs you!

>The Office of the Presidential Prayer Team has asked that I relay this
>information to my friends and colleagues so that it will reach its goal
>of enlisting 2.8 million people (1% of the population) to pray regularly
>for the President--especially in our current crisis. I recommend that
>you join this effort. There is no fee or obligation. Just sign up and
>you'll receive a window decal in the mail, plus e-mail updates on the
>specific prayer needs of the President and his Cabinet.

The 700 Club was once getting people to call in and pledge
to pray at a certain hour every day, so they could have people praying
nonstop round the clock.

I don't remember what it was for, probably "May God in his infinite
mercy kill everyone that doesn't think exactly as we do." or something
to that effect.


I called up to ask how they were normalizing for timezones. They
couldn't give me a good answer for that one.

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
------------------------ I like making new friends. ------------------------
-- I make them out of clay and bring them to life with a blood sacrifice. --

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