[geeks] All this talk of music has me playing stuff from the '70s..

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Sep 28 16:50:23 CDT 2001

> However, I make a yuppie techno wage, own a couple of suits and keep my
> short (a new idea brought on by gradual baldness). The suits are for fancy
> events, the usual mode is denim and boots (and lumber-jack flannel in the
> winter).

That's kinda where I was going with this.

I also have no degree, grew up on farms, and I wear t-shirts, Vans, and
ripped jeans to the office (when I go).  My $PHB title pushes me close to
edge into yuppiedom, as does my sensible family sedan (Taurus).  The PT
Cruiser launched me right over and branded me a yuppie forever.

If I could only get out of the suburbs, I might make some recovery...


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