[geeks] Egad, I've created a monster!

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Sep 22 00:10:42 CDT 2001

Well, I finally gave in to excess.  A ways back, I noticed our old pal
Sunguk was selling sets of 4 16M 30-pin SIMMs.  I looked up at my "project
shelf" and a wicked grin split may face.  

I ordered a few sets, and when they arrived, I put my plan into action.  I
rooted around in the closet of mystery and dug out my patented "Maxi T-15"
torx driver*.  I then proceeded to rip into the guts of the designated
patient.  Now, I sit and stare at what I have wrought:

A Mac SE/30 with 128M of RAM.  Unreal.  Right now I have an 80M boot disk
in it, which means that it has over 1.5x RAM than disk.  I remember when
the SE/30 was released, and we were amazed at the thought of one with that
much memory - this was at a time when a 16M Sun 3/280 was a big deal...

*The Torx driver is one I modified almost 15 years ago when I was still in
college.  I had convinced my parents that what I really needed for Xmas
was a 512K Dove memory board and a Datadesk-101 keyboard for my 512Ke.  I
was dismayed to find no torx drivers long enough in my dad's tools, so I
went down to the local hardware store, and bought the longest T-15 driver
they had.  Still not long enough.  Finally, I got it to work by cutting
off a chunk of the handle, and trimming the remaining handle to clear the
handle of the mac.  For some reason, I have never rid myself of that


Peter L. Wargo
pwargo at basenji.com
Owner/operator of basenji.com.
"Zamfier has sold more records than the Indigo Girls.  As it should be."

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