Firearms safety ;-) <long> was RE: [geeks] Daytime TV

Kurt Huhn geeks at
Sun Sep 2 08:16:12 CDT 2001

Omigosh!  Another gun geek!  Feels like home.... :)

> I grabbed his wrist and stuck the underside of his elbow, breaking it
> nastily and causing him to drop the weapon. Then I broke his nose, knocked
> him to the ground and elbow dropped onto his sternum cracking it, and
> several of his ribs.

I had a surprisingly similar set of circustances when I interupted an
almost-rape while in college.  The attacker didn't have a gun, but he did
take a swing at me which ended up in his broken elbow and nose.

Wow - talk to enough people, and start to find folks that have done very
similar things.  It's comforting to know that I'm in good company!


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