[geeks] Mac and Cheese (aka Kraft Dinner)

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 22 10:34:52 CDT 2001

s at avoidant.org wrote:

> Oooohhhhh, but I love pickled things. Tomatoes, hot peppers, eggplants,

Hmm, I've already started preparing for dinner Friday night. Got two
families coming over. Might as well run down the menu, since it's
on-topic for once...

homemade pita

Moroccan carrot salad (spicy)
assorted pickled things (see last post, some spicy)
shredded radish salad (lemony)
olives in various sauces
Ajlouk (zuccinni and lemon salad)
cauliflower salad w/ olives, capers and anchovies (slightly spicy)
pasta salad (no mayo)
chopped salad (cucumber, tomato, bell peppers)
matbucha (simmered tomatoes, peppers and garlic)
sauteed mushrooms and garlic
spicy potato salad (no mayo)
babaganoush (eggplant dip, not spicy)
cole slaw (w/ mayo!)

rotisseried lamb roast
beef meat balls in red sauce
fried chicken breast strips in secret batter

Condiments for the meat:
Mango pickles
S'hug (*very* spicy)

cous-cous (unfortunately not prepared in a couscousier)

Appropriate wines will be served, as will Guinness.


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