[geeks] Co-Location Questions

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 10:06:46 CST 2001

On Mon, Nov 05, 2001 at 09:23:06AM -0600, Bruce Pullig wrote:
> Hey Co-lo Gurus!
> I'm thinking about co-locating a machine for a side business.   Doe anyone 
> know of any good co-location sites in Houston or Austin?  

Yes - Onramp, who hosts mrbill.net/sunhelp.org/etc.  One of my former
employers, and a great bunch of people.

> What should I 
> look for in a co-location site?  What questions should I ask?  Does space 
> normally cost per U?   How much should I expect to have to pay?

Depends on the place.  You definitely want UPS backup, generator, and 
reasonable-time access to your equipment.  OnRamp is downtown, and the
tech support staff normally leaves at 10pm, but in an emergency, you can
page Don West or Larry Chancy (head network guys) and one of them will
meet you down there to get access to your equipment.

> Also, anyone know how many U a Netra 1125 would be?

4U.  See the rack of my boxes at ONR:


Second machine from the top of that rack is an 1125.

If you colo at OnRamp, you can use one of the spare console ports
on my console server...


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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