[geeks] note to self

Tim Harrison geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed May 16 02:37:18 CDT 2001

amy wrote:
> ugh. it could go out to anyone...currently we're dealing with a cat
> that's in season. (its like chinese water torture).

Tara rescued a cat from the street, and he's been with us since Friday
night.  He's an orange male tabby with an attitude.  I dubbed him
"Critter", and it seems to have stuck.  The other two cats are none too
impressed about the interloper, who has taken to sleeping at *MY* feet
(the big cat, Smack (a.k.a. Lardass) is particularly bothered by this,
as that is *HIS* spot), and thinks Breakfast (a.k.a. Widdle) is a
convenient playtoy for his amusement.

I woke up two nights ago to Widdle on one side of the bed, on the floor,
Lardass on the other, and Critter on top of the bed.  From the left, I
heard "hisssssssss".  Then, immediately following, I heard
"hisssssssssssss" from the right side.  The whole while, as this
repeated, I heard "purrrrrrrrrrrr" from the middle, at my feet.  It was
like some kind of demented Cat Opera.

Of course, as Widdle is now that favoured playtoy, when she's sucking on
Tara's neck (she seems to have been taken from her mother a wee bit too
early :/), Critter takes the opportunity to dig a claw in while she's
not looking.  Results being:

1.  Widdle skyrockets.
2.  Tara gets hit in the face.
3.  Both cats then use Tara as a launching pad.
4.  There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth by both felines and
humans for the next minute or so.

Now, if it weren't happening to us, I'd probably laugh (and, I must
admit, the first time Critter ambushed Widdle at 4am, I did laugh...
until it became routine).  However, at this point, I'm considering
harnessing Critter to the window ledge by bungie cord, and letting him
run free on the roof, just so I can get a good rest.


Tim Harrison
Network Engineer
harrison at timharrison.com

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