[geeks] Lookong for pointers for Tone Dialers (touch tone)

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue May 15 10:23:15 CDT 2001

My company makes Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRSs) that use the tones on a telephone keypad for responses. Our normal supplier (Radio Shack) no longer carries tone dialers, for those remote locations not served by touch tone service.

Ideally, we would want to get little devices that you would place on a telephone mouthpiece. We have a need for up to 100 a year.

It would be great if there was a surplus dealer with a few hundred new in the box dialers, but what are the chances...

Please provide any pointers/suggestions to me at ken.hansen at icti-usa.com, or the list if you prefer.

Thanks in advance,


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