Cooking (was Re: Jon's Integrity (was Re: [geeks] Etiquette)

joshua d boyd geeks at
Sun Jul 29 12:04:44 CDT 2001

On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 01:15:45AM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> I swear she got this recipe from the Consumers Digest teflon test book - I
> damn near have to balst that abomination out of the frying pan when she is
> done.

When my parents moved, we got pretty much all new pans, most of which
aren;t teflon coated.  I find that I much prefer using these pans.  The
secret seems to be to make sure that the pan is hot enough before adding
food to it, and to make sure you don't burn your food.

Now, I'm all like, who needs those wimpy teflon pans?

> Mentioning that, am I the only fellow that cleans as I cook, so that as my
> plate is heading towards the table, the pans are at least soaking, if not
> actually in the dishwasher...

I do that if the kitchen was already clean.  If it wasn't, I spend my
cooking time cleaning the existing mess making room to work, and don't get
as much of my own mess cleaned up as I cook.  I have been known to leave
the plates of food warming while I do more cleaning before calling people
for dinner.

Joshua D. Boyd

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