[geeks] SGI info

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Apr 10 23:56:40 CDT 2001

Dont buy any R3K-based SGI boxen unless you REALLY want them - last
IRIX that will run on them is 5.3.

BTW, Indys should be down around the $200 mark now..


On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 12:50:44AM -0400, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> I'm looking at some old SGIs for sale.  The seller currently wants way too
> much for them on ebay, but he is fairly local, so I might make a counter
> offer after they fail to sell on ebay.
> Anyway, there are lots of part numbers listed, but I can't find a place to
> look up what the part numbers refer to.
> These are all r3k machines BTW, and the seller wants the bids to start at
> $199, and has a reserve that is presumably even higher.
> --
> Joshua Boyd
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Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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