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Graphical User Interface for GDB

GDB in this release is configured to use the new Graphical User Interface.. This interface is currently in a beta stage of development.

Under Unix, the GUI is called simply with gdb. The GUI is based on Tcl and the Tk windowing toolkit; a different system was used to develop the GUI under Windows (available soon), but the underlying structure is the same.

When running as a Unix program and using the X11-based interface, you must of course be using an X server and/or workstation, and your DISPLAY environment variable must be set correctly. If either of these is not true, then GDB still starts up, using the traditional command interface.

The exact layout and appearance of the windows depends upon the host system type. General behavior and layout is consistent across all platforms; omissions or restrictions on particular platforms, if not documented as unavoidable, should be considered bugs and reported.

All GDB windows have a common structure. Each window has an associated menu bar, which may be at the top of the window or perhaps elsewhere. Some of the menus and menu items in the menu bar are common to all GDB windows, while others are specific to particular types of windows. Below the menu bar is the working data area of the window. If the data is too large to display all at once, the data area shows scroll bars on its right and bottom sides. Below the data area are two optional features: a status/data line, and a button box.

For details on using GDB, see section `GDB Commands' in Debugging With GDB.

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