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Command Window
The command window provides access to the standard GDB command interpreter. In nearly all cases, commands typed into this window behave exactly as for a non-windowing GDB. Note that not all changes to GDB are be reflected in this window. For instance, if you type a `step' command, then click on the `step' menu item in the source window, then type another `step' command, the command buffer shows only two steps, although you have actually done three. GDB places an ellipsis (...) in the command buffer when operations in other windows are done, as a reminder that the command buffer is incomplete. The command window has no status line or button box.

(This example screen is the initial Command Window from the Unix version of the GDB GUI.)

Files Window
The Files Window lists all of the files that were used to build the executable. Clicking in the bar in the left margin expands/contracts the display of included files and symbols defined by the file.
Source Window
A source window displays a single file of source code. The left margin includes an indicator for the current PC, breakpoints and potential breakpoints, and (optionally) line numbers.

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