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Installing your Developer's Kit distribution

There are a few steps to follow in installing the software in the Developer's Kit distribution onto your system.

Note: For Unix distributions, your distribution tape includes two files:

The Install shell script is a portable installation procedure which automatically installs the software on your system (see section Invoking the Install script).
distribution tar file
The binaries and source for the Developer's Kit distribution are located in a single compressed tar file.

In order for Install to read and install your distribution, you must use a non--rewinding tape device, so that the tape drive maintains the tape location at the beginning of the compressed tar file after you extract Install. See section Device names, for a list of default device names for each host type.

  1. First, decide where to install the software. The default installation location is `/usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4'. (To use the software conveniently from elsewhere, you may want to reconfigure and recompile from source; see section Running the programs.) If you don't wish to install in `/usr/cygnus' but can create a symbolic link to it from another location, or if you don't wish to install into `/usr' at all, see section Installing in a nonstandard location.
  2. Create the installation directory, if it doesn't already exist, and make sure it's publicly accessible so Install can write there. For example, if you use the default installation directory of `/usr/cygnus':
    eg$ su root             (enter root password to write in `/usr')
    # mkdir /usr/cygnus     (ignore "File exists" error if any)
    # chmod 777 /usr/cygnus
    # exit                  (root access not needed beyond this)
  3. Make sure you have enough space for the tools in your chosen installation location. The required disk usage for the Developer's Kit is printed on the tape label; values for binaries only, sources only, or both are shown.
  4. Load the Developer's Kit distribution tape into your tape drive. If your machine doesn't have its own tape drive, you need to first extract the software into a location accessible by both your host and the machine that has a tape drive, and then install on your host. If there is no shared disk, you can extract the software on the machine with the tape drive and then transfer it over to your host. section Installing with a remote tape drive, for details.
  5. Extract the Install script off the tape using
    tar xvf non-rewinding-tapedev Install
    Remember to use a non--rewinding tape drive!
  6. Run Install, using command-line options and arguments to specify the details about your installation. Default behavior installs both binaries and source under `/usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4' using the default non--rewinding tape drive for your system (see section Device names). For native toolchains only, a process called fixincludes automatically makes copies of your system header files and alters them to work with GCC (your system's header files are not changed; see section Why convert system header files?). Finally, Install runs a simple test to make sure your distribution was installed correctly.
  7. Make sure the program send-pr knows your Cygnus customer identification code. You can install your customer ID by using the program install-sid as follows:
    eg$ cd /usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4/H-hosttype/bin
    eg$ install-sid customer-ID
    Contact Cygnus Support at +1 415 903 1401 if you do not know your customer ID.
  8. Create symbolic links so that your newly installed Developer's Kit is easily accessible to developers, able to exist with other Developer's Kit installations in a heterogeneous environment, and easily updated when you install a new Developer's Kit. The nature of the links depends on where you installed the Developer's Kit release, but they follow the example below. If you installed into `/usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4', the links are
    ln -s /usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4 /usr/cygnus/progressive
    ln -s /usr/cygnus/progressive/H-hosttype /usr/progressive 
    See section Links for easy access and updating, for more information on these links. You're done! The installation is now online; anyone who puts
    in their path has access to the toolkit.
  9. If you had to change the permission status on the directory `/usr/cygnus', be sure to revert the change. See your system administrator for the proper permissions at your site.

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