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Links for easy access and updating

Once you've extracted the tools from the tape, they are installed into a directory named `installdir/progressive-95q4'. We put the release number in the directory name so that you can keep several releases installed at the same time, if you wish. In order to simplify administrative procedures (such as upgrades to future Cygnus Support Progressive releases), we recommend that you establish a symbolic link `/usr/cygnus/progressive' to this directory.

ln -s installdir/progressive-95q4 installdir/progressive

For example, if you've installed in the default location under `/usr/cygnus':

ln -s /usr/cygnus/progressive-95q4 /usr/cygnus/progressive

Directories of machine-independent files (source code and documentation) are installed directly under `progressive-95q4'. However, to accomodate binaries for multiple hosts in a single directory structure, the binary files for your particular host type are in a subdirectory `H-hosttype'. (hosttype indicates a particular architecture, vendor and operating system. See section Platform names.)

This means that one more level of symbolic links is helpful, to allow your users to keep the same execution path defined even if they sometimes use binaries for one machine and sometimes for another. Even if this doesn't apply now, you might want it in the future; establishing these links now can save your users the trouble of changing all their paths later. The idea is to build `/usr/progressive/bin' on each machine so that it points to the appropriate binary subdirectory for each machine--for instance, `/usr/cygnus/progressive/H-hosttype'.

You may need super-user access again briefly to establish this link:

ln -s /usr/cygnus/progressive/H-hosttype /usr/progressive

We recommend building these links as the last step in the installation process. That way, users at your site only see software in `/usr/progressive' when you're satisfied that the installation is complete and successful.

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