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Concept Index


  • `!' output format
  • +

  • `+-' output format
  • <

  • `<' output format
  • `<<<<<<<' for marking conflicts
  • a

  • aligning tabstops
  • alternate file names
  • b

  • backup file names
  • binary file diff
  • binary file patching
  • blank and tab difference suppression
  • blank line difference suppression
  • brief difference reports
  • bug reports
  • c

  • C function headings
  • C if-then-else output format
  • case difference suppression
  • cmp invocation
  • cmp options
  • columnar output
  • comparing three files
  • conflict
  • conflict marking
  • context output format
  • d

  • diagnostics from patch
  • diff invocation
  • diff merging
  • diff options
  • diff sample input
  • diff3 hunks
  • diff3 invocation
  • diff3 options
  • diff3 sample input
  • directories and patch
  • directory structure changes
  • e

  • ed script output format
  • empty files, removing
  • f

  • file name alternates
  • file names with unusual characters
  • format of diff output
  • format of diff3 output
  • formats for if-then-else line groups
  • forward ed script output format
  • full lines
  • function headings, C
  • fuzz factor when patching
  • h

  • headings
  • hunks
  • hunks for diff3
  • i

  • if-then-else output format
  • ifdef output format
  • imperfect patch application
  • incomplete line merging
  • incomplete lines
  • inexact patches
  • interactive merging
  • introduction
  • invoking cmp
  • invoking diff
  • invoking diff3
  • invoking patch
  • invoking sdiff
  • l

  • large files
  • line formats
  • line group formats
  • m

  • merge commands
  • merged diff3 format
  • merged output format
  • merging from a common ancestor
  • merging interactively
  • messages from patch
  • multiple patches
  • n

  • newline treatment by diff
  • normal output format
  • o

  • options for cmp
  • options for diff
  • options for diff3
  • options for patch
  • options for sdiff
  • output formats
  • overlap
  • overlapping change, selection of
  • overview of diff and patch
  • p

  • paginating diff output
  • patch input format
  • patch invocation
  • patch making tips
  • patch messages and questions
  • patch options
  • patching directories
  • performance of diff
  • projects for directories
  • r

  • RCS script output format
  • regular expression matching headings
  • regular expression suppression
  • reject file names
  • removing empty files
  • reporting bugs
  • reversed patches
  • s

  • sample input for diff
  • sample input for diff3
  • script output formats
  • sdiff invocation
  • sdiff options
  • sdiff output format
  • section headings
  • side by side
  • side by side format
  • special files
  • specified headings
  • summarizing which files differ
  • System V diff3 compatibility
  • t

  • tab and blank difference suppression
  • tabstop alignment
  • text versus binary diff
  • tips for patch making
  • two-column output
  • u

  • unified output format
  • unmerged change
  • w

  • white space in patches

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