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Options to cmp

Below is a summary of all of the options that GNU cmp accepts. Most options have two equivalent names, one of which is a single letter preceded by `-', and the other of which is a long name preceded by `--'. Multiple single letter options (unless they take an argument) can be combined into a single command line word: `-cl' is equivalent to `-c -l'.

Print the differing characters. Display control characters as a `^' followed by a letter of the alphabet and precede characters that have the high bit set with `M-' (which stands for "meta").
Ignore any differences in the the first bytes bytes of the input files. Treat files with fewer than bytes bytes as if they are empty.
Print the (decimal) offsets and (octal) values of all differing bytes.
Print the differing characters. Display control characters as a `^' followed by a letter of the alphabet and precede characters that have the high bit set with `M-' (which stands for "meta").
Do not print anything; only return an exit status indicating whether the files differ.
Print the (decimal) offsets and (octal) values of all differing bytes.
Output the version number of cmp.

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