[SunHELP] Problem starting application automatically during boot-up.

Dieter Montanez dietermontanez at bellsouth.net
Tue Jun 7 21:09:45 CDT 2005

partly true as well ...

it is an argument to "sh" if it's not named "xxx.sh". If so it must have
exec permissions ...

-----Original Message-----
From: sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Sebastien Daubigne
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 4:45 AM
To: 'The SunHELP List'
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] Problem starting application automatically during

No, it's not required to have exec permission, just because the script is an
argument to "sh".
My message was not about "start", but about "sh".

There are some circumstances where "/etc/rcX.d/Sxxxx" will not produce the
exact same behaviour as "sh /etc/rcX.d/Sxxxxx".

So you have to launch your script via "sh /etc/rcX.d/Sxxxx start" and not
"/etc/rcX.d/Sxxxx start" to simulate the init process.

Sebastien DAUBIGNE
Sebastien.daubigne at atosorigin.com
mailto:Sebastien.daubigne at atosorigin.com>  - +33(0)
AtosOrigin Infogerance - IMS/ERP/Pessac

-----Message d'origine-----
De : sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]De
la part de Dieter Montanez
Envoye : mardi 7 juin 2005 00:05
A : The SunHELP List
Objet : Re: [SunHELP] Problem starting application automatically during

it's true that all the /etc/rcX.d/SXXwhatever scripts get "start" as an
argument but the script does not need to use it. It's only required
to have exec permissions.

-----Original Message-----
From: sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Sebastien Daubigne
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 8:37 AM
To: 'The SunHELP List'
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] Problem starting application automatically during

Be carefull as the startup script are launched like this by "/sbin/rc3" :

"sh /etc/rd3.d/Sxxxxxx start"

Sebastien DAUBIGNE
Sebastien.daubigne at atosorigin.com
mailto:Sebastien.daubigne at atosorigin.com>  - +33(0)
AtosOrigin Infogerance - IMS/ERP/Pessac

-----Message d'origine-----
De : sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:sunhelp-bounces at sunhelp.org]De
la part de Yazid
Envoye : lundi 6 juin 2005 14:12
A : The SunHELP List
Objet : [SunHELP] Problem starting application automatically during

I have created a startup script for MQ Series and named it
/etc/rc3.d/S99mqm.  The script is just a simple bourne shell script
and we have no problem starting the application manually by invoking
the script (./S99mqm start).
But, the MQ processes won't get started automatically during system
boot-up ( or they probably died just before I do ps -ef).
I know that the script do get executed during boot-up and the script
syntax/permission is correct.
I have boot-up to single user, do "init 2", then excute all the
startup scripts under /etc/rc3.d in sequence, and the scripts works.

If you guys have any ideas on what went wrong .... or how to
troubleshoot this problem, please let me know..

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