[SunHELP] Wait, what was that?

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Mon Jun 9 15:39:15 CDT 2003

	I must admit I have confused myself. Since we all got the raid
working for me I have now been working on the problem of a remote desktop so
that the DBA and my boss can feel better about all this. Also I must admit I
want to understand this challenge now as it is starting to bug me. 

	I have managed to confuse myself. I went back to my school account
to look at what I had used back then that I was thinking off. Checking my
.login I found where I had scripted my start for that program. I grabbed a
copy of Xwin32 and installed that as someone had graciously reminded me that
was the program I used to use on the windows side. 

	I ran the command from it's alias (alias wterm "xterm -d
goldfinger.tribble.whro.net:0") which I had setup back then in order to
launch a window that I had used. I hit the command and Bang a window popped
up and I let out a sudden "Oh ya, that thing." This had been used by one of
the teachers submit programs. you needed to use Xterm in order to navigate
the onscreen text menu or you lost all proportion and it became garbage.
	Xterm, from what I remember, was passed over by me because it gave
very little advantage over a regular telnet window, and I could get a telnet
window anywhere which was a huge plus. Thinking a bit more, the times I had
it spawn a CDE style desktop was the times that I had logged in from the PC
labs in the computer science building and started Xwin from there, which I
did less than 5 times total I think, I was a work from home kind of guy.
This would leave me to believe that something else was being used in the lab
that was not available from the outside world. Matter of fact I remember
more than once trying to get that desktop at home without success.

	Does anyone have a clue about what they may have been using here?
someone has suggested VNC over SSH and I may look at that, but dammit I want
to solve this problem just so I know the answer! Anyone got a pointer on
were to look? Also, where do I get xterm from , either package or spot on
the cds, as it is not apparently on my sunfire, or at least is hiding from

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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