[SunHELP] Six processors?

Dave Garten sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed Oct 10 15:41:17 CDT 2001

Yep.  Drill is one CPU per board or two CPU per board.  I have seen odd 
numbers (3, 5, 7) function, but I'm not sure if it uses them all.  The S in 
SMP is symmetric and Sun descries their multiprocessor machines as MPs 
(without symmetric).  I'll be dipped if I know how to tell if its firing on 
an uneven number.  The software will find 'em all in dmesg, but I presume 
that isn't definitive.

Anybody know?



Mike Johnson <mikelist at sky.net> said:

> Is it possible to have a six processors system on the SparcServer 1000E?
> (SS1000E - using 3 motherboards, 2 processors each...)  I thought the
> convention was 2/4/8/16, etc.
Dave Garten
dgarten at nova dot org
dgarten at totalimage dot org

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