[SunHELP] can't get a TR on modem connected to port A of E250

Tomek Glod sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Wed May 16 14:03:39 CDT 2001

There is a E250 running Soalris 8 with all patches installed. Modem
connected to serial port B of this machine works well under tip
connection. I can save and view its configuration using Hayes commands, TR is
lit on modem. I can use atdt_number command - modem works well.
The same modem connected to port A - I can view/save its configuration,
but I can't dial out - TR is not lit on modem. Jumpers on the mainboard for
serial port A and B are switched to RS232D. No services are running under
port A and B. Any ideas?
TIA						Tomek

Tomek Glod <waldi at irc.pl>, <tomek at ze.tarnow.pl> PGP: 0xE54B4C6A(DSS/1024)
GI/DGSdsI, Zaklad Energetyczny Tarnow S.A., ul. Lwowska 72-96b
33-100 Tarnow, Poland, tel. (+48 14) 6311386, 6311381, fax 6311383

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