[SunHELP] Secure, Default Installation of Solaris

Ben Ricker sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Mon Mar 26 09:37:14 CST 2001

I was kind of disappointed with the Solaris intsall process throgh Web
Install. I tried the core install but could not install Gigabit ethernet
because it required the 'Delevoper' install (!). So now, I have to audit
all the packages installed to see what I need and do not need. My Sun
rep said that there is no dependency list for Gigabit ethernet 3, so I
could not just install a subset of the developer install, not that it
would allow me to customize that install in the least bit.

We exist in a high security environement and I was wondering if anyone
has some tricks/hints on doinf secure, but functional installs. Can you
get package lists and dependencies? I am starting to like Linux more and

Ben RIcker
Systems Administrator
US-Rx, Inc.

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