[SunHELP] Midnight Commander

Steffen Grunewald sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Tue Mar 6 04:13:10 CST 2001

On Tue 2001-03-06 (15:10), Alex Shavkun wrote:

> > All what I needed is installed OK, but mc
> > Is it possible to install Midnight Commander 
> > on Solaris 7?
> Yes of course. http://www.gnome.org/mc

Looks a bit outdated :(

www.sunfreeware.com has mc 4.5.9 for Solaris 8; since
there are also the sources, you should be able to compile it
yourself. I'm running 4.5.50 (but please don't ask me where
I got it from :-((( ), but next time I'd link it statically

Steffen Grunewald | GFZ | PB 2.2 | Telegrafenberg E3 | D-14473 Potsdam
 email: steffen(at)gfz-potsdam.de | fax/fon: +49-331-288-1266/-1245 
                    I doubt, therefore I might be.

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