[Sunhelp] PC disk in Sun

ward at zilla.nu ward at zilla.nu
Mon May 22 10:32:38 CDT 2000

While this is likely a FAQ, I can't find it anywhere.

I've got a stack of SCSI disks formerly used as PC disks.  When I try to use
them on a Sun (SPARCBook, actually), I get lotsa errors about inability to
label, etc.  So, I fired up format and issued a format.  The format completes
without finding bad sectors, but still can't label and complains about the TOC.
It's not just the disk, as I've tried 3 of them so far.

How do I use 'em?



"Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat." 
	-- John Lehman, Secretary of the US Navy 1981-1987

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