[Sunhelp] root filesystem is full

Dale Ghent daleg at elemental.org
Tue Jul 25 18:23:44 CDT 2000

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Hoang, Tram (DIS) wrote:

| Hello!  
| My root file system is full and I have performed the following and still
| have not resolved why root is at 100%:
| Check the /dev/rmt directory.  
| Check /dev for large files.
| "find / -mount -name "core" -exec ls -l {} 
| "find / -mount -name "*" -exec ls -l > /BIG_DISK/findlog {} \;"
| --could not find any files that could be taking up the disk space

Try doing:

cd / ; du -dk *

This will show you which directories in the root filesystem contain files
that are using the most space.

If you don't have a separate /var partition, make sure that there are no
log files in /var/adm and /var/log that have gone unrotated.


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