[Sunhelp] du/dk differences

John Kennedy jkennedy at orent.com
Mon Jul 17 14:11:15 CDT 2000

I have (somewhat) inherited an Ultra10 running Solaris 7.  The person who 
built the system used the default Solaris file system structure.  This 
gave their root file system 170 meg of space.  They are currently running 
at 100% usage of the / file system according to df -k.  If I use du -sk * 
from the / file system I show about 40-50 meg usage.  I know that df uses 
the inode table to produce it's disk usage and is not always accurate.  
This should be fixed whenever the system has been rebooted.  In this case 
it is not.  Even after a reboot it shows 100% use by df -k.  Any ideas on 
how I can get df -k to correct its self???

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