[Sunhelp] Multple NIC Problem

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Thu Jul 13 17:55:00 CDT 2000

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Kevin Stevens wrote:

> I'm curious - when you do this, whence do you get legitimate MAC addresses 
> to use on the other interfaces?  Sun support?  I *really* hope that people 
> aren't just making them up...

If your NIC contains a local MAC address (all qfe, PCI hme and later) then
setting the local-mac-address? variable in OBP will enable it.  Note that
older interfaces (le, sbus hme, etc) do _not_ contain their own address
and the local-mac-address? variable will have no impact.

For older interfaces you can set the ethernet address by hand.  Common
"convention" is to set the second bit of the first octet (to indicate a
non-IEEE MAC address) and to set the last 4 octets to your IP address.


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