[Sunhelp] hosed up root login... HELP!

Dale Ghent daleg at elemental.org
Tue Feb 15 00:48:51 CST 2000

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

| Are there any other reasons behind this, or should any statically linked
| shell work ok there?

Theoretically, any statically linked shell would work. To find out if it's
static or not, do a "file" on it:

xenon:/home/daleg>file /sbin/sh
/sbin/sh:       ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, statically
linked, stripped

xenon:/home/daleg>file /usr/bin/ksh
/usr/bin/ksh:   ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically
linked, stripped

Also, you can always compile a static bash or tcsh shell by giving cc/gcc
the propper flags during make time.


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