[SunHELP] Re: Filtering with Solaris 8 x86

Mike Meredith sunhelp at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 3 20:15:19 CST 2000

On Fri, 01 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> As for the guy who said to upgrade bind, hate to tell you, but Bind

that was me.

> is a walking talking remote exploit, at any version. In most of our
> contracts we take for forensic analisys, we've found one thing in
> common on un-explainable remotely owned standalone hosts. Bind 8
> (even current), and bind 4.9.7.

that's a suprise to me --- i haven't heard of problems with 8.2.2-P7, 
although i haven't read bugtraq for a week (i've got a problem with the 
arm that usually presses the shift key). looks like i've got some 
reading to do --- got any good references on this ?

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