[Sunhelp] solaris q

dhansen at zebra.net dhansen at zebra.net
Thu Apr 6 01:34:46 CDT 2000

 Well, first off the /usr/local/* path is not part of the
Solaris system. It's used conventionally as a place for you
to install 3rd party applications and/or your own personal
apps and such and be able to keep them from intermingling
with the actual/original Solaris setup. (Good for sane
backups, etc...)

 At any rate, the include directory tends to be a place 
where header files are stored. Which fits well with your
file unix.h (the .h extension denotes that the file is a 
header file). This is pretty much the long way of telling
you that this header file came from some other application
that you, or someone with appropriate access, installed on
the system and isn't part of the Solaris operating system.
As for what it does, that would depend on what is inside
of it. But header files contain declarations of functions
that can be used by programs that are aware of the header

  Have you verified that this file is present on the other
solaris machines that you say you aren't getting errors 
from? Also, it's always a good habit to include any error
messages that you are referring to. Helps increase your
chances of finding a solution to your problem.


> Im not so familiar with the intricacies of solaris files but does anyone
> know what the file "unix.h" under /usr/local/include does? It has been
> breaking lately some of my software installations on the solaris box, but
> same software installs well on other unix bozes.

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