[SPARCbook] Solaris 10 on Ultrabook

Paul Douglas paul at douglasfamily.au.com
Sat Dec 20 00:41:13 CST 2003

>Just for yucks I tried a installing Solaris 10 on the Ultrabook. I have a
>pre-september version so it still supports the Ultra-1 architecture. It
>boots and installs just fine, but when OpenWindows runs the text for the
>menus is displaced above and to the left of where it should be by about an
>inch. It makes it a little interesting to use...

following Michael's posting above I thought I'd give this a try.  I had 
previously failed to get Solaris 9 to install: the boot from the CD (I just use 
software 1, haven't tried the install CD) gets so far and then the machine just 
hangs.  Someone else has also reported this.

the Sol 10 (s10_44, downloaded today) software CD boots fine, goes through the 
sysid stuff, and then reports that it has found no disks and stops.  There was 
of course a suitable (large) disk in the machine.  I plugged in an external scsi 
disk and tried again; it installed onto that fine and it runs ok.  There were no 
problems with the display during install and both cde and gnome run fine: better 
than on a basic Ultra 5 in fact.

However, it regards this disk as on controller 0 and obviously can't see the ide 
controller at all.  I tried backing up the whole installation onto an ide disk 
and doing a boot -r but it just reports an error re the ide, ata and cmdk 

I'd quite like to run this if possible, and can't see any real reason why not, 
because I use it for lectures and demos at conferences and it would be nice to 
be able to use gnome, plus stuff like mozilla won't run on Solaris 8 (at least, 
not without installing patches that make the machine unbootable, after the 
manner of the Solaris 9 CD as described above).

Anyone know what causes the driver problem, and if there's a solution or not?

Thanks - Paul

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